Community Gardens

Gardens are a source of community engagement and flourishing

Blue garden beds at BOCA community garden

Blythe Oldfield garden

The Blythe Oldfield garden is located at the Blythe Oldfield Community Association (BOCA). It offers free community plots as well as individual boxes for rent.

Raised wooden garden beds at Youth Garden

Youth garden

Located at the Blythe Family Support Center, the Youth garden is a hands-on educational experience where community children can plant, cultivate, harvest, and eat fresh produce grown in their garden, while learning about healthy eating habits at an early age.

Tomato plant seedings at College Hill Community Garden

College Hill garden

The College Hill garden represents an effort by the community to reclaim a distressed corner of their neighborhood, while also attempting to address the reality that College Hill is a food desert, and struggles to provide healthy food opportunities for its residents.